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Avoiding Burnout

Avoiding Burnout

Burnout - a silent but effective obstacle to productivity and mental wellness.

According to an article from Forbes, New Outlook On Burnout For 2023: “A recent survey from Slack found that burnout is on the rise globally, most significantly in the U.S., where 43% of middle managers reported burnout.”

It is a phenomenon that affects a broad spectrum, attacking multiple age groups, professions, and socio-economic backgrounds.

Why Does It Happen

The root cause of burnout varies from individual to individual, but at its core, could be a result of the following:

  • Increased workload professionally and/or at home

  • The loss of community; this can occur after a move or death of a loved one

  • Big life changes such as starting an advanced college course

  • Lack of rewards

  • Enduring poor treatment from people around you

Recognize the signs of Burnout

How do you know when burnout is on the horizon? Is it difficult to pinpoint the signs as they pop up? Here are a few identifying factors.

  • Poor sleep issues (insomnia, drowsiness, oversleeping)

  • Lack of interest in previously exciting endeavors

  • Depleted immunity (getting ill often)

  • Isolation

  • Feelings of detachment

Preventative Efforts and Remedies

The good news is that there is hope! Burnout is not an experience that is untreatable. There are precautions one can take to prevent it from occurring but also actions to undergo/remedies when it has already happened.*

  • Reach out to your support system: A problem discussed can be a problem half solved. Talking to close friends and trusted family about the issues you’re experiencing can alleviate some of your burdens.

  • Talk to a licensed professional: Therapists and other trained personnel are equipped to handle burnout. It could prove helpful to search for one that suits your needs and financial situation.

  • Set aside time for leisure: It is important to put aside alone time for self-care. This can be spent resting, taking walks, going on a swim, reading a book, or anything that gives you respite.

  • Connecting with people in similar situations: This can be your coworkers, past or present. They might have insight that is unique to you.

  • Prioritize exercise and a healthy diet: Exercising can help with feelings of overwhelm and burnout. Try to eat some fruits, vegetables and drink enough water as often as possible.

*Please contact your healthcare provider or therapist for solutions personally tailored to you.


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